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The Use of the EHIC in Greece PDF Printable Version


The Use of the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) in Greece

Further information on health cover in Greece and in every other European country can be found at the following UK government websites:




The Hellenic Republic (Greece) joined the European Community, the forerunner of the European Union (EU), in 1981. The official language is Greek.

What treatment is covered and what will I be charged for?

If you are charged for any services provided through the Social Insurance Institute (ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ or IKA), make sure you secure a receipt with a number perforated across it.

Doctors and dentists: consultations and treatment are free (but see example below). However, you will have to pay part of the cost of secondary examinations, such as X-rays. You will also have to pay for supplementary treatment, such as physiotherapy, and for dentures.

Prescriptions: for prescribed medicines, hand the prescription to any chemist in the IKA scheme - IKA offices will provide a list. You will have to pay a small standard charge, plus 25 per cent of the actual cost of the medicine, which is non-refundable. If you are charged in full, obtain a receipt and ask for the prescription back. Keep the self-adhesive labels from the medicines.

If you obtain medicines or any kind of treatment privately, you must pay the full cost. Take the original receipts and your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to the IKA within one month, and they will reimburse you up to the limit allowed for similar treatment by the IKA. If you are staying in a remote part of the country or on a small island, there may be no IKA office or facilities within easy reach. In this case you must pay the full cost of private treatment and apply for a refund on return to the UK.

If you are charged in full, you will need the original prescription and receipt. The self-adhesive labels from the medicines should be stuck on to the prescription - you will not get a refund without them.

Hospital treatment: following an IKA doctor's diagnosis you must ask for a 'ticket', which is your approval of admittance to a hospital within the IKA scheme. If you go into the hospital before obtaining the 'ticket', show the administration your EHIC and ask them to contact the IKA.

Who handles reimbursements? IKA (Social Insurance Institute)

What documentation do I need to claim money back? Original receipts.

Where to get information: ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΕΩΝ or IKA (Social Insurance Institute) 8 Aghiou Constantinou Street, Athens. You can also contact the IKA's regional or local offices (ΥΠΟΚΑΤΑΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ) or branches (ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑΤΑ).

An Example for Dental Treatment

Dental treatments are refunded at the rate that would be charged by a dentist registered with IKA. Needless to say, this is less than you would pay for private treatment but still worth claiming.

Private treatment in Gastouni: €40 for each treatment (filling or clean/polish)  
Total €120

Refund from IKA: €20 for initial visit to dentist plus €7.87 per treatment        
Total €43.61